Beauty Products

Rebel, LLC provides a sensible, safe approach for enhancing natural beauty through our natural skincare, body care and cosmetic products. With over twenty years of experience in the industry, we offer a complete collection of quality cosmetic, skincare and body care products which can be purchased at our Rebel Hair Studio salon or Rebel Boutique. Rebel, LLC specializes in Mineral Makeup for Women, Skincare products for both Men and Women.

Featured Item

Puddles Rainboots

Fun, Fashionable boots!

Puddle Rainboots and Yippy Cowboy Rainboots!  Supplies limited.  Please call Boutique @ 339-469-1780 for sizes and availability.

Our Products

FORCE Shampoo Balm: 2 in 1


FORCE Biotin Shampoo


FORCE Biotin conditioner


FORCE Defining Hairspray


FORCE Hairline Smoother


FORCE Premium Hairspray


FORCE Spray Laminate Shine


FORCE Texture Spray Spritz


FORCE Toning Shampoo


Rebel Hair Studio & Boutique

15 Farrar Farm Road,

Unit 1,

Norwell, MA 02061

Phone. 339-469-1780


Get In Touch

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